Exhibit A: This dress
A few months ago, Alexander McQueen made some clothes for Target and promptly no one liked them. That's how I came to find this dress on the clearance rack. I looked at the punky elements of a racer back tank dress and the black netting coat. Then I looked at the price tag and holy shit I had already bought it. I must have blacked out onto the way to the register.
Upon actually wearing it, there were several problems.
First off, it's really short. As in, it might earn me a possible future spot on "Don't Show-cha Your Chocha" short. I am not above showing off my legs in my ultra short denim shorts, but I am not thrilled to flash the world my underpants and that's not just because I wear a lot of underpants with cartoon characters on them.
Secondly, the netting coat was a safety hazard. It doesn't detach from the dress, which is frustrating when it gets warm. Also there are approximately five thousand belts (read: only three) and the belts are about five feet long. Tying the dress shut looks strange and only shortens the belts a tiny bit.
Being that I was raised by accountants and engineers, I like to solve problems. Horrah for ingenuity and having separates!
Skirt: Charlotte Russe
Gold sandals: Target
Those are crab apples by the way.Gold sandals: Target
The shortness of the dress was easily solved by an addition of my favorite red pencil skirt. The belts I looped around about ten times and they still trail on the ground. Shortly after this photo was taken, their lengths were sacrificed with a pair of scissors.
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