Being the contrarian I was raised to be, I dislike Valentine's Day on the fact it is a card company holiday. Being the practical person my father wishes I was, I consider money spent on frivolous things like cards to be silly and I am poor. Being the tomboy I am, I dislike mushy cutsey lovely dovey stuff. On the other hand, I am a girly girl who loves stuff with hearts on it and video games.
Gilt never stops amusing me and the recent presence of $2,000+ clutches shaped like animals is no exception. Camels, pugs, poison dart frogs, and... what's with the terrified Foo Dog?
He looks like he is going to bite the hell out of that ghost's hand.
Oh. Well, he may have known what fate awaited him. But alas, his crystal covered snarls were not enough to ward off a woman storing her cellphone and tampons in him.
This is the pug clutch, as shown in the first image. He is much more accepting of his fate. But me being me, I would how up to a fancy event with this and fill it with cherry syrup for the ultimate visceral shock when I open it up at the dinner table.
With an overactive imagination and a short attention span, I have frequently dreamed up inventions that have been made into reality by other people. This includes Your-name-goes-here romance novels and corrugated cardboard. But this takes the cake in things I should have thought up and patented.
It seems so obvious! How many times have you been at the club and either (a) witnessed women dancing with a handbag, well, in hand, or (b) been a woman dancing with her purse? A poll among men I know have polled have said dancing with your handbag looks stupid. And by polled, I mean I asked a dude who watches women dance in clubs.
The flesh toned ones I'm less fond of because they look vaguely orthopedic. But the black ones look great, passing as architectural jewelry.
How lovely is that? A purse that is decorative and can hold a condom and your fake ID for getting into clubs!